1. People that walk slow. I know some people have medical issues, but most don't. When you know you walk slow, GET OUT
OF THE WAY!!!! Nothing is more annoying then being in some crowded place and being stuck behind some person walking slow with
a trail of annoyed people around them.
2. People that don't drive the speed limit, it's there for a reason. If you feel like doing 20 in a 50 zone, pull over
and let everyone pass you.
3. People that say they want a relationship with you, get you into bed and then dump you. If you want a fling, say so!!!!
4. People who don't know their PIN numbers to their debit cards or at the place I work, Player's Club cards. Yes you
have a PIN number, and if you don't know, DON'T USE THE CARD. Stop holding up the line because you can't remember 4 numbers.
5.People who don't turn off their cell phones at the movie theater. If you want to talk through a whole movie, WAIT FOR
DVD!!!! I paid almost ten bucks to watch a movie, not to hear about your crappy day.
6.SPAM E-Mail. Is it so much to ask to just get e-mail I want to read? Every day i have to sift thru hundreds on uneeded
emails just to read two that actually matter.
7. People who cut me off when I am the last car in a long line of traffic. Is it so hard to wait for one more car? Do
you have to nearly take me out?
8.People who pitch a fit in a store when they don't get their way. You look stupid and the next time you come into the
store, NO ONE wants to help you because we all remember your temper tantrum.
9. People who pay for purchases under 5 dollars with a 100 dollar bill.
10. People who cut a whole line of other people or traffic, what do you think everyone else is waiting for? why are you
so special?
11. Co-workers who feel the need to correct you in front of customers, especially when it's just to make themself appear
12. People who count their change right in front of you when you give it to them. It's rude and you're holding up everyone
13. People who don't see whats right in front of them.
14. People who hit someone's pet and just leave it there to die. If you don't want to take responsibilty at least let
the pet owner know what happened to their beloved pet.
15. People who say acrosst, there is no t in across!!!!!!!! Also its not i don't have no more, it's I don't have any